Apply P/Z or Volumetrics Volumes

You can apply a P/Z or Volumetrics volume to the current reserves category or all reserves categories of several wells or groups. You can only apply the volume to reserves categories that already have a decline.

To apply a P/Z or volumetric volume to one well

  1. Select the entity and do one of the following:
    • In the Predictions menu, click Apply Volume.
    • On Predictions | Declines, click  and select Apply Volume.
  1. In the Apply Decline Volume dialog box, under Apply Volume From, select P/Z or Volumetrics.
  2. Under Options, select the reserves categories to which you want to apply the volumes. You can only apply the volume to reserves categories that already have a decline.
  3. Click OK.

To batch apply a P/Z or volumetrics volume to a decline

  1. Select the entities to which you want to apply volumes.
  2. From the Predictions menu, select Apply Volume.
  3. In the Apply Decline Volume dialog box, under Apply Volume From, select P/Z or Volumetrics.
  4. Under Options, select the reserves categories to which you want to apply the volumes. You can only apply the volume to reserves categories that already have a decline.
  5. Click OK.